We traveled from Prague to Vienna by a private driver. We had a beautiful apartment located about a block and a half from the Vienna Opera House. Most of the historic center is located within Vienna's Ringstrasse - a ring road. The numerous monumental buildings were built during the 1860s to 1890s.
The Trams connect up to locations that may be outside the Ringstrasse, so it is a relatively easily city to get around.
The Imperial Palace - Hofburg was just a few blocks from our apartment. It was a location for morning and evening walks. We also went through to see the Imperial Apartments, but I must question is I have to go through and see any more "imperial apartments" in palaces we visit. This is a historic center and it was from this Palace the great empire of the Hadburgs was ruled. Today, the Imperial Palace houses the office of the President of Austria as well as an important congress center and numerous art collections.
We traveled our on the tram to visit Belvedere, a palace built by Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663-1736) as his summer residence. This palace holds the largest collection-of Klimt art. It was interesting. We saw the piece of art, Portrait of Adele Bloch. The 2015 move, Woman in Gold, was the story of Maria Altmann, a real-life Jewish refugee whose family's art was stolen by Nazis in World Wart II. This piece of art is the center of the story.
St. Stephen's Cathedral is considered the symbol of Vienna and dates back to the 12th Century. It was located down one of the pedestrian streets. A massive church although we all noted that none of the churches are a richly decorated as the churches we visited in Spain.
When in Paris, I really enjoy finding and walked through the various passages, the covered shopping walkways that run from one block to another. In Vienna I stumbled across the Ferstel Passage which is a stunning passage. The Grand Cafe was in one of the adjacent buildings and having coffee in their was very pleasant indeed. If you are going to the Grande Cafe, go early in the morning and avoid the line-up of tourists that form later in the day.
We enjoyed our time in Vienna, lots of grand sites to see, and the city is most impressive at night when the grand buildings were lit.
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When our time to leave came, we again traveled by private driver towards Budapest. We would stop at Bratislava and the Pannonhalma Arachabbey.
© Glenn Marcus
my travels in Italy